Ethnicity | High School Population* | Nassau County +** | United States +** | Form A | Form B |
Non-Hispanic White | 74% | 58.5% | 60.1% | 73% | 70% |
Asian or Asian American | 11% | 10.9% | 5.9% | 6.8% | 11.4% |
Black or African American | 10% | 13.1% | 13.4% | 8.1% | 8.6% |
Hispanic or Latino | 4% | 17.5% | 18.5% | 9.5% | 5.7% |
Other | -- | 2.6% | 4.3% | 4.1% | 5.7% |
Grade Level | Form A Participants | Grade Level | Form B Participants |
Freshman | 1.4% | Freshman | 2.9% |
Sophomore | 39.2% | Sophomore | 34.3% |
Junior | 28.4% | Junior | 38.6% |
Senior | 31.1% | Senior | 24.3% |
Age, closest to birthday | Form A Participants | Age, closest to birthday | Form B Participants |
14 | 1.4% | 14 | 2.9% |
15 | 21.6% | 15 | 22.9% |
16 | 35.1% | 16 | 35.7% |
17 | 24.4% | 17 | 25.7% |
18 | 17.6% | 18 | 12.9% |
Gender* | High School Population |
Male | 0% |
Female | 100% |
Title | Author(s)/Date | Purpose/Sample Questions |
Vignette I | Carbone, 2021 |
Measuring Sympathy and Stigma on Struggling Peer | Carbone, 2021 | Paired with Vignette I
Vignette II | Carbone, 2021 |
Measuring Sympathy and Stigma on Struggling Peer With a Learning Disability | Carbone, 2021 | Paired with Vignette II
Form | Mean | SD |
Form A | 31.30 | 4.82 |
Form B | 33.60 | 6.16 |